Меню KDT

Voluntary school club "Adal Urpak"

The program for the formation of an anti-corruption culture in the school environment in the context of spiritual, moral and civic-patriotic education

1. General provisions

This Program for the formation of an anti-corruption culture in the school environment in the context of spiritual, moral and civil-patriotic education (hereinafter referred to as the Program) has been developed in accordance with the Conceptual Foundations of education and defines the order of educational work, which includes the organization of educational activities of an anti–corruption nature for children who study under the programs of primary, basic secondary, general secondary education.

2. The purpose and objectives of educational work

2. The purpose of this Program is to create conditions at school for the formation and development of a highly moral, responsible, proactive and socially competent citizen and patriot.

3. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are set:

1) implementation of measures aimed at spiritual, moral and civil-patriotic education;

2) strengthening students' trust in the institutions of state power;

3) formation of students' political and legal knowledge;

4) formation of moral and ethical value bases of anti-corruption behavior among students.

4. The following types of education are used to carry out a set of activities:

1) moral education is aimed at the formation of moral and ethical attitudes, the formation of zero tolerance for corruption in every student;

2) socio-legal education is aimed at obtaining an idea of the essence of the relationship between a citizen and the state, knowledge of rights and obligations, conviction of the need to comply with legal norms, awareness of the public danger of corruption;

3) aesthetic education is aimed at developing students' understanding of the beauty of works of art and literature, contributing to the education of students' aesthetic taste and a friendly and patriotic attitude to the surrounding reality.

3. Organization of educational work

5. The organization of educational work is carried out in educational institutions that implement general education curricula of primary, basic secondary and general secondary education (hereinafter referred to as general education schools).

6. The management of educational work is entrusted to the management of the general education school and the pedagogical worker who carries out classroom management.

7. Comprehensive schools carry out a set of measures aimed at the formation of an anti-corruption culture in the school environment, that is, the preservation and strengthening of a system of values reflecting intolerance to corruption, including the formation of students' desire to comply with the requirements of laws, to improve the educational and cultural level.

8. Voluntary school clubs "AdalUrpak" are being created in secondary schools, which assist and participate in the organization of educational work.

9. The organizational basis of educational work is:

1) comprehensive plan of educational work of a comprehensive school for the corresponding academic year;

2) the plan of educational work of the teacher who carries out classroom management;

3) the work plan of the voluntary school club "Adal Urpak".

10. The plans provided for in paragraph 9 of this Program are formed according to the Model Plan of educational work on the formation of an anti-corruption culture in the school environment (attached).

11. The plans reflect the main directions of educational work, calendar events aimed at the formation of an anti-corruption culture, interaction with public organizations, the authorized anti-corruption body and other state bodies.

12. Citizens and boards of trustees, parent committees, public associations, the authorized anti-corruption body and other state bodies may participate in educational work.

4. Voluntary school clubs "AdalUrpak"

13. The main tasks of the voluntary school clubs "Adal Urpak" are the formation of an anti-corruption culture in the school environment, the promotion of initiatives to strengthen intolerance to corruption, participation in the organization of anti-corruption events.

14. Voluntary school clubs "Adal Urpak" consist of sections of the following nature: anti-corruption knowledge; anti-corruption information and creativity; cultural events.

15. The Anti-Corruption Knowledge Section participates in the organization of lectures, round tables and other educational events.

16. The Anti-Corruption Information and Creativity Section participates in the organization of events and competitions for the best videos, drawings, essays.

17. The Section on Cultural Events participates in the organization of actions, flash mobs, dialogue platforms, meetings with representatives of public, veteran organizations, government agencies and organizations and other socially significant events.


Director of the school Teryukov Vitaly Viktorovich


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